Technical discussion day at ITOPF

In January, Sea Alarm visited the International Tanker Owners Oil Pollution Federation (ITOPF) in London for a full day of oiled wildlife response discussions with the members of ITOPF’s team.
In the course of their close relationship, spanning over 15 years, both organisations have scheduled meetings at least once a year to talk about developments that are relevant to understanding the global challenges of integrating oiled wildlife response and preparedness.
At this meeting, Sea Alarm prepared for the day with a combination of presentations, case studies and a tabletop exercise, to provide ITOPF personnel with a broad overview of the issues connected to a wildlife response.
The workshop introduced new staff to Sea Alarm’s work and the complexity of an effective wildlife response. For staff already aware of oiled wildlife response concerns and Sea Alarm’s role, it was a chance to refresh and deepen their understanding of the problems and processes involved.
ITOPF is a not-for-profit organisation, established in 1968 after the Torrey Canyon Oil Spill, which provides tanker owner Members and other non-tank ship Associates with spill response, claims and damage assessment assistance, and contingency planning, training and information services. Their role is to liaise with government, industry and the wider spill response community to promote effective spill response and preparedness. Their services are also available at the request of governments and intergovernmental organisations such as IMO.