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MoUs increase global wildlife response capacity

Sea Alarm signed important Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with two internationally recognised oiled wildlife preparedness and response groups, Focus Wildlife and the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB).

These cooperative agreements increase the effectiveness of all three organisations in preparing for, and responding to, oiled wildlife around the world.


The MOU, which was signed during meetings between Sea Alarm and SANCCOB  in early 2012, marks the beginning of a more formal relationship between the two organisations.  SANCCOB (South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds) is one of the world’s foremost organisations in rescue and rehabilitation of sick, injured and oiled penguins and has long been a key partner with Sea Alarm.

The MOU will result in increased co-operation, information exchange, and mutual assistance in oil spill preparedness and response, which in turn will benefit both Sea Alarm and SANCCOB. Several collaborative efforts are planned; most notably the two organisations will work together on promoting the need for improved oil spill preparedness and oiled wildlife response capabilities across the globe, giving special attention to the African continent.

SANCCOB’s expertise and resources would also be an important component of response during an actual oil spill on the continent. SANCCOB has been responding to oiled wildlife in South Africa since 1968. The most recent, the Seli 1 incident which oiled 254 penguins and Cape gannets, kept SANCCOB busy this fall. For more information, visit SANCCOB’s website.

 Sea Alarm– Focus Wildlife MOU

Sea Alarm and Focus Wildlife, an oiled wildlife response organisation based in the US Pacific Northwest and Canada, met at the Sea Alarm office in Brussels in July to discuss further details of their recent MOU. The two organisations, which are currently involved in a number of joint response planning projects, talked about information exchange, mutual assistance and other forms of cooperation needed in both preparedness efforts and when responding to an oil spill together.

This collaboration, addition to furthering the two organsations’ joint oiled wildlife preparedness work, adds to the growing effort to provide fast, professional assistance when wildlife is affected by oil spills.

Focus Wildlife offers contingency planning and training and consultation services in addition to wildlife emergency response. In Hawaii, Asia and Micronesia, Focus Wildlife has provided consultations, contingency planning and training services. An Oiled Wildlife Trust advisor/member, Focus Wildlife works to promote uniform professional response to oiled wildlife incidents in Canada. Visit their website to learn more about Focus Wildlife.

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