Sea Alarm participation in HELCOM RESPONSE expands
Sea Alarm’s participation in HELCOM RESPONSE concentrates around various topics intended to ensure wildlife response is well-integrated into overall oil spill response in the Baltic region.
Sea Alarm’s participation in HELCOM RESPONSE concentrates around various topics intended to ensure wildlife response is well-integrated into overall oil spill response in the Baltic region.
Sea Alarm was active in the month-long response to wildlife affected by the Bow Jubail oil spill in Rotterdam Harbour, the Netherlands, coordinating the work of Dutch, European, and global responders in the care of more than 500 oiled swans.
The 13th edition of the International Effects of Oil on Wildlife Conference took place in Baltimore, Maryland in May, presented by Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research and the Oiled Wildlife Care Network, and hosted by the National Aquarium.
In cooperation with the Swedish Coast Guard, Sea Alarm facilitated the use of the Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) by the Contracting Parties of the Bonn Agreement.
In March, Sea Alarm brought fifteen leading seabird experts from eight countries together in Hamburg to discuss marine emergencies involving seabirds.
The Expert Working group on Oiled Wildlife Response (EWG-OWR), which Sea Alarm chairs, recently held its 10th meeting.
Sea Alarm is pleased to announce that it has recently renewed its MoU with REMPEC, formalising plans to continue their collaboration for a further two years.
Interspill 2018, Europe’s triennial conference for oil spill preparedness and response, included a session, chaired by Sea Alarm’s Saskia Sessions-Puplett, devoted to wildlife issues.
Sea Alarm is headed to the 13th International Effects of Oil on Wildlife (EOW), held this year in Baltimore, USA. We hope to see you there.
Work has begun on the oiled wildlife response programme introduced in our December 2017 newsletter.
In February, Sea Alarm gave a presentation at the 2018 Middle East Technical Forum, organised by Oil Spill Response and Kuwait Oil Company.