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Oiled wildlife preparedness seminar in Norway

Sea Alarm was invited to present its views on European oiled wildlife preparedness and response at a national wildlife seminar in Norway. The seminar took place on 17 and 18th March in Oslo and was jointly organised by Friends of the Earth Norway and the Norwegian oil companies operating association (NOFO).The workshop brought together the different stakeholders for an oiled wildlife incident in Norway, including various NGOs and representatives from the authorities who spoke to outline their role and hopes for wildlife preparedness in Norway. International Bird Rescue (formerly IBRRC) also informed the participants about their response to Deepwater Horizon incident and some of the practical lessons learned in such a complex and high-profile response operation. As a country which has seen several oiled wildlife incidents in its response history, this seminar shows Norway’s progress towards improving national preparedness and strengthening collaboration between wildlife responders, industry and government.

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