Wildlife presentations at the International Oil Spill Conference
Sea Alarm presented two papers at the 2021 International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC), which was held completely online.
The COVID-19 crisis led the organisers to postpone the conference, originally scheduled for 2020, by a year. Holding the conference online required presenters to pre-record their presentation to smooth the sessions. Sea Alarm had two presentations selected for the scientific programme:
1. The Bow Jubail oiled wildlife incident: success factors of an international tiered response on the basis of standards of good practice which was co-authored by Claude Velter (WRCO), Hugo Nijkamp (Sea Alarm) and Simone Jay (SON-Respons).
2. Modelling the dynamics of a facility for understanding critical resource use in oiled seabird rehabilitation which was co-authored by Hugo Nijkamp (Sea Alarm), Jasper van der Werff-Ten Bosch (Aquaverum) and Claude Velter (WRCO).
Both papers were presented by Hugo Nijkamp at the Wildlife Session on Wednesday 12th May. The attendance for this session was good, with over 70 visitors, and many questions were asked. The papers will be available soon on the IOSC 2021 website.