Sea Alarm has been involved in the response to many oiled wildlife incidents, including the Jessica (Galapagos Islands, 2001), Prestige (Spain, 2002), Tricolor (Belgium, 2003), Estonia Mystery Spill (Estonia, 2006), MS Server (Norway, 2007), Voganeft 139 (Russia, 2007), Duncan Island (Germany, 2007), Mystery Spill (Germany, 2008), Full City (Norway, 2009) and Godafoss (Norway, 2011).
Many other incidents have occurred in which Sea Alarm was consulted or put on stand-by, as was the case during the Bongo spill (Nigeria, 2011), the Mercury Harbour, Amsterdam spill (Netherlands, 2011) and the MS Olivia incident (Tristan da Cunha, 2011). Sea Alarm’s mobilization is not always required and in many cases, it assists by providing advice, acting as a sounding board for local responders, connecting local responders with specialized experts or organisations, and/or disseminating daily reports from local responders to an international audience.