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Visit to Tallinn, Estonia

In March, Hugo Nijkamp attended a meeting at the Ministry of Environment in Tallinn, Estonia together with representatives from the Estonian Ministry of Environment, the HELCOM Secretariat and WWF Finland. Together, the participants discussed a proposal that will be submitted at upcoming HELCOM RESPONSE meeting in September, which seeks to integrate oiled wildlife response into the existing Helcom Response Manual.

Whilst in Tallinn, Hugo also met with Agni Kaldma and Juri-Ott Salm of the Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF), the local partner and co-host of the 10th Effects of Oil on Wildlife Conference. Together, they visited the outstanding Tallink Spa and Conference Centre, where the Conference will be held, as well as some locations in the medieval city centre where side events will be organised. Tallinn will undoubtedly provide a unique and unforgettable experience for the participants of the Effects of Oil on Wildlife Conference. We are looking forward to seeing many of you there!

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