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Sea Alarm at Interspill 09

Sea Alarm had a very productive and enjoyable week at the recent Interspill Conference and Exhibition in Marseille, France.

Sea Alarm booth’s benefitted from an exceptional position in the exhibition hall, just next to the entrance door. This offered Sea Alarm’s staff an unparalleled opportunity to meet and consult with a large number of representatives from European governmental agencies and the oil spill industry.  EMPOWER, Sea Alarm’s new initiative to professionalise the response of NGOs to marine wildlife emergencies, piqued the interest of many delegates, especially as EMPOWER was highlighted in the Interspill Catalogue

Sea Alarm’s Hugo Nijkamp co-chaired a session with Dr Karen Purnell of the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF) on Oil Pollution Impacts and Restoration. Hugo also attended EuroSpill’s first AGM.  Additionally, Rosalie e’Silva represented Sea Alarm at the International Spill Control Organization (ISCO) AGM and at the invitation of the floor, she gave an impromptu presentation on Sea Alarm’s work.
Interspill is one of the three recurring global conferences on oil spill response and is organised in Europe every three years.

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