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EnSaCo: Oiled wildlife preparedness and response in the Central Baltic

Authorities in Estonia, Finland and Sweden have launched the EnSaCo Oil Spill Project, which aims to strengthen cross-border oiled wildlife and shoreline response, for easier transfer of resources between countries during an incident.

An important part of the project is dedicated to improving preparedness for oiled wildlife incidents, through developing an animal treatment manual and rehabilitation protocols and delivering practical training courses in Finland, Estonia and Sweden. Wildlife response NGOs in these countries, including WWF Finland, the Swedish Wildlife Rehabilitators Association KFV and the Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) will play a key role in bringing their experience to the table and defining the best way to work together to rescue and rehabilitate oiled wildlife during a large spill. The project will also allow for oiled wildlife response to become integrated into the municipal authorities”s contingency plans, who are also project partners. EnSaCo is funded by the Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007/2013.

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