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Turkey IBRRC training

Sea Alarm’s Saskia Sessions made a presentation during a training course on oiled wildlife rehabilitation in Ankara, Turkey on 3-7 May. This training was for wildlife rehabilitators, scientists, veterinarians and environmental NGOs on techniques and key considerations for hands-on rehabilitation of oiled wildlife. The training course was hosted by BTC (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) pipeline company, as part of their ongoing efforts to improve preparedness for an oil spill from the pipeline. The course was delivered by trainers from the International Bird Rescue and Research Centre (IBRRC) and included detailed lectures and some demonstrations of key aspects of rehabilitation from capture through to release, including safety and appropriate facilities for rehabilitation of wildlife.

Sea Alarm has been working in Turkey to try to improve national preparedness for an oiled wildlife incident, aiming as a first step to bring the large group of NGOs together as a national network which can be called on by the authorities or industry in the event of an oiled wildlife incident.  This training provided an opportunity to meet more of the organisations and individuals who could play a role in responding to an oiled wildlife incident in Turkey and explain Sea Alarm’s role in more detail.

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