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DG Echo and EMSA workshop

Sea Alarm was invited by DG Echo and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to attend the Second joint Civil Protection and Marine Pollution Workshop on Co-ordinated at-sea and Shoreline Pollution Response on the 9th December in Brussels.

The workshop focus was on oil spill response issues that need an integrated approach both at sea and on the shoreline. It was therefore attended by Member States’ delegations from at-sea and shoreline response backgrounds, Regional Agreement Secretariats and representatives from oil and gas industry associations. Saskia Sessions delivered a presentation on oiled wildlife response in Europe, outlining recent progress in national and regional wildlife response planning and noting where co-ordination between at-sea and shoreline authorities is important in oiled wildlife response. This event was a continuation of a workshop with a similar theme held in Lisbon in June 2009, where Sea Alarm also made a presentation.

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