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Sea Alarm meets with the RSPCA

Hugo Nijkamp and Saskia Sessions travelled to the RSPCA’s Headquarters in West Sussex, UK for a meeting in November last year. The RSPCA is an important member of Sea Alarm’s network, as one of the leading providers of oiled wildlife rehabilitation expertise in Europe and one of Sea Alarm’s key response partners for European spill incidents. The meeting was organised for the two organisations to catch up on their activities of common interest and also for Sea Alarm to meet new RSPCA staff who are responsible for the organisation’s international activities in wildlife rehabilitation. An MoU is now under discussion between RSPCA and Sea Alarm which would allow for cooperation during spills and also on wildlife preparedness activities. Sea Alarm is grateful to the RSPCA for their support and willingness to cooperate and looks forward to continuing this partnership into the future.

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