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Sea Alarm at oil industry events

Sea Alarm had several opportunities in 2011 to meet face to face with oil industry members of Oil Spill Response () at its shareholder meetings in June and December. Sea Alarm had a small exhibition stand at both of OSRL”s Shareholder meetings, which took place in San Francisco in June and in Southampton in December.  This attendance allows Sea Alarm to update OSRL”s members on progress and development in the programme on oiled wildlife preparedness and response. The meetings gave a good opportunity to inform and educate OSRL”s members of what services they can expect from Sea Alarm, both in peace time and during a spill, to give an update on recent activities and outline main challenges in the coming years. Saskia also attended the June meeting of the IPIECA Oil Spill Working Group (OSWG) held in San Francisco alongside the Shareholder meeting. Sea Alarm has ‘Partner Organisation” status at the OSWG and follows its work to keep informed about developments in international industry preparedness and to help integrate oiled wildlife issues where there is a need. For example the planned updates of the IPIECA Oil Spill Report Series with new insights and technological developments. Sea Alarm was heavily involved in the development of the first IPIECA Report on Oiled Wildlife Response Planning, published in 2004.

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