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Don’t miss important wildlife events coming up in spring 2012

The 11th Effects of Oil on Wildlife Conference will take place from 24-28 January 2012 in New Orleans, Louisiana. EOW is the premier international conference for oiled wildlife preparedness response and provides an important forum for wildlife response NGOs around the world to meet and exchange information on latest developments, knowledge and experience gained in dealing with oiled wildlife. Sea Alarm will make two presentations at the conference: on enhancing the level of professionalism in the oiled wildlife response work field and on what constitutes a successful oiled wildlife response. The Conference is being organised by Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research.
Oiled Wildlife Response will also feature prominently at the 2012 Interspill event in London, as the conference programme includes wildlife response as a topic. Sea Alarm will make a joint presentation with International Bird Rescue on the concept of ‘reasonableness” in wildlife response and will also have a stand at the exhibition. Discussions are also ongoing with the organisers on the possibility to provide an oiled wildlife response training course alongside the main conference programme. Interspill is part of the triennial international oil spill conference cycle, which alternates with Spillcon and IOSC.

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