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Other 2012 Sea Alarm news


2012 saw changes to the Sea Alarm Board of Directors, while regular  meetings with Oil Spill Response Limited, a key Sea Alarm partner, enhanced the two organisations’ cooperative efforts.

Sea Alarm Board elects new Chairman and Vice-Chairman

At its October meeting, the Sea Alarm board elected Mr. Chris Morris (photo), who has worked for Texaco/Chevron and IPIECA, as Chairman. Mr. Morris had been serving as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Alan Higgins, formerly with Chevron and OSRL, was elected to replace him in that role. Earlier, in April, Mr. Jon Lay, with ExxonMobil and currently Chairman of OSRL, has joined the Board. During the October meeting, Mr. Hans van Rooij and Mrs. Alexandra Nierman-Röntgen have stepped down as Board Member and Secretary as they came to the end of their second term. Sea Alarm is much indebded to the valuable contributions they made to the development of the organisation, and wish them well.

Wildlife update to OSRL Southampton and Singapore staff

As part of the long-term Sea Alarm and Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) joint programme, Sea Alarm regularly spends time at the OSRL offices, for Steering Group Meetings, project development but also updating the wider OSRL staff with regards to ongoing activities and recent developmens. The so called lunch and learn sessions help OSRL staff to understand the value of wildlife response preparedness and how the Sea Alarm – OSRL cooperation benefits that preparedness and the oil industry in general. In 2012 there were lunch and learns in Singapore and Southampton.

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