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First POSOW training sessions held in France

Sea Alarm active in POSOW oiled wildlife response training In May, Sea Alarm’s Claude Velter and Saskia Sessions delivered ‘Train the Trainer” courses, in association with Centre Vétérinaire de la Faune Sauvage et des Ecosystèmes (CVFSE) and WWF Finland.


The trainings were held in Brest, France as part of the Preparedness for Oil-polluted Shoreline cleanup and Oiled Wildlife interventions (POSOW) project.

During the training sessions oil spill response personnel, civil protection authorities and wildlife response NGOs from European Mediterranean countries worked together, learning about basic wildlife response procedures. These training sessions also gave interested parties a chance to discuss ways to improve oiled wildlife preparedness in their respective countries.

Sea Alarm will be involved in two further courses to be held in Greece and Cyprus later this year, continuing their cooperation with the other POSOW project partners to increase oil spill response readiness within the Mediterranean region.

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