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Sea Alarm in the news: Trinidad oiled wildlife response training

In November Hugo Nijkamp and Paul Kelway of Sea Alarm, in cooperation with staff from Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research, provided several days of training in oiled wildlife response in Trinidad. Local Trinidad press covered this event both in print and online (see links below). Included in the training were response planning and ‘train the trainer’ sessions.

Government agencies and environmental and wildlife conservation NGOs learned about all aspects of search and rescue, stabilisation and husbandry, and cleaning of wildlife affected by oil. Attendees were familiarised with equipment and facilities needed for oiled wildlife response, as well as the importance of human health and safety during such responses.

Trinidad recently approved an updated National Oil Spill Contingency Plan as the country has approved increased exploration and production. Included in that plan is the requirement to establish an oiled wildlife response programme. Read the full story in the Trinidad and Tobago Guardian Online here and the Trinidad Express here.

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