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Cooperation with Oil Spill Response LTD (OSRL)

In October 2005, Sea Alarm embarked on a long term programme with Oil Spill Response (OSRL) to further the development of global oiled wildlife response capabilities. This joint initiative has enabled both parties to benefit from each other’s expertise and experience, and has also provided essential funding for the continuation of Sea Alarm’s work.

Please see our Oil Spill Response page for detailed information on the programme.

European Commission Grants

Sea Alarm has been involved in the following projects co-funded by the European Commission:

Three separate projects in 2006 co-financed by the European Commission, which resulted in the production of the Handbook on Oiled Bird Rehabilitation, the Handbook on Impact assessment, and the website (now superseded by

The 2007 Reducing the Impact of Oil Spills (RIOS) Project to develop an action plan for future research in the area of rehabilitation of oiled animals and to stimulate contacts and future cooperation.

In 2009 Sea Alarm received an NGO Operating Grant from the European Commission. The grant allowed Sea Alarm to start the EMPOWER initiative (which later evolved into EUROWA) and to carry out many activities to increase Europe’s oiled wildife preparedness .

The project on Preparedness for Oil-polluted Shoreline clean-up and Oiled Wildlife interventions (POSOW), was carried out in 2012-13 and co-financed by the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism Financial Instrument. The project developed a range of manuals and training packages for volunteers, of which one package was focussed on basic training for oiled wildlife response volunteers.

In 2015-16, Sea Alarm coordinated the European Oiled Wildlife Response Assistance Module project (EUROWA), co-financed by the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism Financial Instrument. The EUROWA project was designed to create a team of European oiled wildlife response experts and equipment which can be mobilised by European authorities to provide international assistance to a local response system.

In 2021-22, Sea Alarm coordinated the EUROWA-2 project, co-financed by the European Union Civil Protection. EUROWA-2 is building on the results of the first EUROWA project by strengthening the capability of EUROWA as a mutual assistance system and improving preparedness in Europe for marine wildlife emergencies. The project delivered new training courses, new educational tools for authorities and incorporated a sea turtle branch into the EUROWA framework.


Consultancies form an important source of Sea Alarm’s income. Our expertise is often called upon by oil companies, governmental agencies, private organisations, or NGOs. The work normally includes provision or facilitation of training courses, the development of an integrated oiled wildlife response plan, the design and facilitation of oiled wildlife exercises, or the coordination of national preparedness activities. Consultancy income can be used to invest into activities that would otherwise not be funded and not happen. For instance, it has allowed Sea Alarm to fund meetings of wildlife response experts, attend international meetings of Regional Agreements and assist with developing national and international preparedness.


Since its establishment, the following organisations have provided funding for Sea Alarm’s activities in the form of grants for projects or paid consultancies:


  • Aramco
  • BP
  • Canadian Wildlife Service
  • Chevron
  • ConocoPhilips
  • Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries
  • Dutch North Sea Directorate
  • ENI
  • Estonian Ministry of Climate
  • Equinor (formerly Statoil)
  • ExxonMobil
  • Hess
  • HRH Prince Bernhard
  • ING Bank
  • International Fund for Animal Welfare
  • International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Funds
  • International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA)
  • IPIECA-IOGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers)
  • International Tanker Owner Pollution Federation (ITOPF)
  • International Group of P&I Clubs
  • Intertanko
  • Irish Coast Guard
  • London Steamship Mutual
  • Lukoil
  • North Caspian Production and Operating Company
  • North Oil
  • Oil Spill Response (OSRL)
  • Province of West-Flanders, Belgium
  • Regional Government of Catalonia, Spain
  • Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands
  • Shell
  • States of Guernsey
  • Stichting DOEN
  • Submon
  • Talisman
  • Total Energies
  • Tour pour la Mer
  • Tullow Oil
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF)
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