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Sea Alarm to attend 2014 International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC)

  In May, Sea Alarm staff will travel to Savannah, USA for the International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC).

At the conference they will present two papers: one on the challenges of responding to oiled wildlife in the Arctic and the other on development to date of the planned Global Oiled Wildlife Response System (GOWRS).

IOSC, held in North America, is one of three global oil spill conferences that take place in alternating years. The next Interspill conference, based in Europe, is scheduled to be held in planned for Amsterdam, Netherlands in 2015 and SpillCon, the Asia Pacific region conference, will be held in 2016.

This year IOSC has scheduled two conference sessions dedicated to wildlife response, reinforcing the growing importance of addressing oiled wildlife issues as part of overall spill response. Sea Alarm will also participate in presenting a wildlife response short course with International Bird Rescue and other leading wildlife response groups.

Throughout the conference, Sea Alarm staff will man a booth on the exhibition floor, shared with OSRL (Oil Spill Response), IPIECA (International Petroleum Industry Environment Conservation Association), the OSR-JIP (Oil Spill Response-Joint Industry Project) and the GRN (Global Response Network), which is a coalition of major oil spill response companies operating around the world).

If you are attending IOSC, do please come and see us at booth number 315.

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