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Oiled Wildlife Response Planning Course held in Brunei

Oiled wildlife response planning course BruneiIn June, Hugo Nijkamp and Claude Velter provided Sea Alarm’s two-day Wildlife Response Planning Course to emergency response officers from Oil and Gas Operators in Brunei.  This course looks at the various challenges that oil spills could pose to wild animals, and the various wildlife incident scenarios that could occur.

Participants learn about the options that are available to respond effectively, and what this means for the required capabilities of local and international response resources.

The course provides an important basis of knowledge and intuition for the participants, often changing the perception that wildlife is only occasionally at risk from oil, and that their rescue does not need any form of pre-planning. In Brunei interactive sessions explored the risks for wildlife impact from oil and gas operations in the country and the need for in-country response capability.

The absolute highlight of the event was the table top exercise, in which participants have to assess possible scenarios for a wildlife incident in the imaginary country “Fantasia”, develop response strategies and discuss the best locations for the facilities needed.

Sea Alarm has provided this course for oil and gas operators in Singapore, Rio de Janeiro and Trinidad as well.

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