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Sea Alarm at Interspill Conference and Exhibition 2015

Interspill 2015 conference in AmsterdamSea Alarm will be at  the Interspill Conference (Amsterdam 24-26 March 2015) presenting a paper that explores the wildlife response planning implications of the new EU Directive on Offshore Safety. This Directive was adopted in 2014 and includes some explicit references to oiled wildlife response preparedness which call to have “arrangements” in place in the so called “external response plans”.

Sea Alarm’s paper recognizes this as an important recognition of wildlife response preparedness in a legislative European document. It explores what the relative importance of this reference is and tries to provide some direction in the way the text could be interpreted to achieve its objective.

Interspill is one of three international oil spill response conferences held in a three-year rotation in different regions of the world– Interspill in Europe, International Oil Spill Conference in North America and SpillCon in the Asia–Pacific region.

If you’re attending the conference, please be sure to visit us at Booth #B20, which is shared between, OSRL, Global Response Network, IPIECA and Sea Alarm.

Click here to download the full paper.

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