December 2006
Sea Alarm chaired a meeting organised by the Irish Seal Sanctuary in Ireland, taking the first steps towards drafting a national oiled wildlife response strategy.
Sea Alarm attended an oiled wildlife preparedness meeting in London, UK, to discuss how a wildlife response is best initiated. Representatives from RSPCA, MCA, Joint Nature Conservancy Committee, Natural England, Countryside Council for Wales and, Environment and Heritage Service (N-Ireland) also attended.
November 2006
Roser Gasol Escuer (Sea Alarm) attended the Iberian Seminar on Wildlife Rehabilitation Centres, organised by GREFA, in Madrid, Spain. She gave a presentation on Cooperación internacional para una respuesta efectiva en la atención de fauna petroleada. Additionally, Sea Alarm organised a meeting with the coastal wildlife centres to discuss the state of oiled wildlife preparedness and response in Spain and Portugal and to establish some direct working relationships.
In accordance with the joint programme agreed upon with OSRL/EARL, Sea Alarm organised the first meeting of the core group of European oiled wildlife responders.
Sea Alarm (Hugo Nijkamp) presented the outcome of the three EU workshops on oiled wildlife response at the EU Management Committee on Marine Pollution.
October 2006
The EU workshop on Cleaning and Rehabilitation of Oiled Wildlife took place in Algarve, Portugal. Representatives from 18 European coastal countries discussed backgrounds and principles of the cleaning and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife and identified good practices for wildlife responders. A Handbook in which the best practices are described has since been developed. The workshop was organised by Zoomarine, IFAW, ICRAM and Sea Alarm, as part of a project that was co-financed by the European Commission. Please click here to download the Handbook.
September 2006
The EU workshop on European Seabird Population Impact Assessment took place at A Coruña, Spain. Representatives from 11 European coastal countries discussed best practices regarding the collection of dead oiled seabirds, necropsy, data analysis and data needed for oil spill managers. A Handbook on Seabird Population Impact Assessment has since been developed. The workshop was organised by NIOZ, University A Coruña and Sea Alarm, as part of a project that was co-financed by the European Commission. Please click here to download the Handbook.
August 2006
Sea Alarm (Hugo Nijkamp) traveled to the United States to visit TriState Bird Rescue and Research (TriState), Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN), and International Bird Rescue and Research Centre (IBRRC) to discuss ways of strengthening cooperation between the US and Europe.
June 2006
Sea Alarm attended the OSRL Open Day and made a series of presentations on the cooperation between Sea Alarm and the OSRL/EARL Alliance.
The EU workshop on European Oiled Wildlife Response Planning took place at CEDRE, Brest, France. Representatives from 14 European coastal countries discussed the current preparedness of oiled wildlife response in Europe and identified measures and activities that would benefit Europe’s preparedness in the future. The workshop was organised by Sea Alarm, CEDRE, IFAW, ICRAM, Syke, ITOPF and OSRL as part of a project that was co-financed by the European Commission.
Sea Alarm gave a lecture on oiled wildlife response and rehabilitation at the OSRL Environmental Course, held in Southampton, UK.
May 2006
The highly successful Tour Pour la Mer fundraising initiative took place, which welcomed over 270 cyclists from more than 65 teams. Teams were mainly comprised of companies and organisations active within the maritime industry and those with related interests. The Tour achieved its main objective of raising 250,000 GBP for the benefit of two charities, Sea Alarm and The Mission to Seafarers.
Sea Alarm organised and chaired a meeting with oiled wildlife responders in Germany. Several representatives from regional and national authorities participated as observers. Main topics of discussion included the harmonization of wildlife response methodology and scenarios of oiled wildlife response.
April 2006
Sea Alarm chaired a meeting organised by the Irish Seal Sanctuary that brought together leading NGOs in the field of marine wildlife conservation and response, with the view of discussing cooperation on a national oiled wildlife response plan.
Sea Alarm chaired a meeting that brought together coastal centres from the Netherlands and Belgium. Main topics of discussion included increased cooperation, harmonization of methodology, and wildlife response planning in the Netherlands.
March 2006
Kick off meetings took place at the European Commission in Brussels, signaling the formal start of three European projects. Sea Alarm was one of the leading organisations involved in the EU projects.
Sea Alarm (Dr. Ian White) chaired the wildlife session at the Interspill Conference, held in London, UK. Several presentations on oiled wildlife were given, including one by Hugo Nijkamp on European Response Preparedness.
A Board meeting of the International Alliance of Oiled Wildlife Responders took place in London, UK.
Sea Alarm gave a presentation on the Estonian wildlife response to the IPIECA Oil Spill Working Group in London, UK.
A Sea Alarm Board Meeting took place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
February 2006
Sea Alarm, IFAW and RSPCA were called in to assist with the response to an oiled wildlife incident in Estonia. Experts from Project Blue Sea, Bird Protection Flandres and Royal NIOZ were also mobilised.
January 2006
Sea Alarm organised and chaired a meeting with oiled wildlife responders in Germany. Some representatives from regional and national authorities participated as observers. The main points of discussion included increased cooperation and response capacity.