November – December 2002
The Prestige incident occurred in Galicia, Spain. At the invitation of local parties, Sea Alarm provided on-site assistance in the organisation and optimisation of the oiled wildlife response, and assisted the key authorities in drafting the operational plan. Sea Alarm’s involvement was supported by ITOPF, the IOPC Fund, and the ship owner’s insurer (P&I Club). The latter two organisations jointly covered the costs of Sea Alarm’s involvement.
October 2002
Hugo Nijkamp attended the Medmaravis Conference in Sardinia and gave a presentation on Oiled Wildlife Response: the importance of pre-spill agreements and cooperation.
A Sea Alarm Board meeting was held in Brussels. Erica Terpstra retired as chairperson, and was succeeded by Alessandro Barisich, the former Head of the Civil Protection and Environmental Emergency Unit of the European Commission. Additionally, Jan Hoogstrate retired as treasurer.
September 2002
Sea Alarm received financial support for its various projects from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries, The Group (cooperating P&I Clubs), and Intertanko. The European Commission and the Marine Pollution Management Committee also decided to go ahead with a project proposal that was submitted by Sea Alarm.
April 2002
Hugo Nijkamp attended the first Board meeting of the International Alliance of Oiled Wildlife Responders in Southampton, UK.
March 2002
Hugo Nijkamp gave a lecture and presented a poster on Lessons learned from the Erica at the Interspill 2002 Conference, in Brest, France.
February – May 2002
Hugo Nijkamp submitted a number of proposals in relation to the planned projects and activities outlined in the 2002-2005 business plan.
February 2002
The Sea Alarm logo was developed.
The results from, and decisions taken at the 2001 Sea Alarm Conference were incorporated in the 2002-2005 business plan, which outlined the strategic approach for implementing a set of short term activities.
January 2002
Meetings took place with ITOPF, INTERTANKO, Steamship Mutual, IMO and IOPC Fund in London, UK.