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For almost two decades, Sea Alarm has been partnering with Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) to advance oiled wildlife response preparedness globally.

OSRL is a non-profit making organisation that provides expertise and resources for the response to oil spills, wherever they occur. Shareholders include the world’s leading oil companies, accounting for over two thirds of global oil production as well as governmental agencies and shipping industry. Operating from bases in the United Kingdom, Singapore, Bahrain, the United States, Ghana and South Africa, OSRL is the largest international oil spill response co-operative, and the only one with a global remit.

In 2005, Sea Alarm and OSRL entered into an agreement that paved the way for a joint long-term programme on oiled wildlife preparedness and response. Sea Alarm and OSRL are committed to working together to expand global capacity to effectively deal with oiled wildlife emergencies and to improve access for OSRL members to a response network. The agreement has allowed Sea Alarm to consolidate its independent and impartial facilitating role and to expand its activities to advance wildlife preparedness globally.

The main components of the joint programme between Sea Alarm and OSRL are:

24/7 Global Wildlife Emergency Response
Sea Alarm assists OSRL to fulfill the oiled wildlife response elements of its Service Level Agreement. We are on-call 24/7 and when mobilised, assist an OSRL Member to establish an effective oiled wildlife response, where possible based on a tiered response approach. For this Sea Alarm applies its more than 25 experience in working with wildlife responders, authorities, and industry stakeholders, in planning, training, exercises and incident response.

Development of tiered wildlife response capabilities
Sea Alarm assists OSRL Members with the development of oiled wildlife capabilities worldwide, and advances the cooperation between leading wildlife responders. Sea Alarm has initiated the development of international expertise networks, such as the GOWRS network. GOWRS now provides hands-on services as part of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) that OSRL has with its  Members.

Country wildlife preparedness information
Sea Alarm undertakes investigations of countries’ level of wildlife preparedness, resulting in published Country Wildlife Response Profiles and a database of in-country response resources.

For more information
In the event of an incident: Follow the OSRL Activation Procedure.
All other enquiries: contact

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