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A new chapter for Sea Alarm

Sea Alarm is pleased to announce that its agreement with Oil Spill Response has recently been renewed for a further 5 years. The original agreement created in 2005 gave Sea Alarm the means to set up and carry out a programme for developing European and global preparedness for oiled wildlife incidents together with governmental, oil industry, NGO and other stakeholders. The renewed agreement shows the oil industry’s ongoing commitment to playing its part in this process.  

Activities will continue in the same vein under the new agreement, building on the results achieved so far and with some new developments also in the pipeline. Work to develop national preparedness for oiled wildlife incidents will continue to be an important feature, as well as maintaining stocks of wildlife response equipment at Oil Spill Response bases and expanding the database of Country Wildlife Response Profiles (83-strong so far). New preparedness initiatives are also planned, including development of global regional wildlife response plans. These will look at the best way to deal with a spill in a particular area, particularly how to bring in international resources and equipment for less developed, remote or special regions, such as the arctic. Sea Alarm is sincerely grateful for this continuing support from the industry, which will help towards the ultimate goal of oiled wildlife response reaching the same level of professionalism as oil spill response. We look forward to another 5 years of cooperation.

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