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Cooperation with REMPEC

  • June 14, 2009

At the recent Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) meeting in June, Sea Alarm discussed the possibilities for increased preparedness for oiled wildlife response in the Mediterranean with representatives of RAC/SPA and ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area).

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Update on Progress in Portugal

  • June 13, 2009

Several Portugese NGOs are working together to develop an oiled wildlife response plan for Portugal (see earlier newsletters). A working group has been tasked with the preparation of the first draft of the plan, which will be reviewed by the entire group once completed.  The working group has determined the principles for the notification and communication procedures, established the main geographical challenges, and identified the texts and structures that could be adopted from the Belgian oiled wildlife response plan, which is being used as a model.

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An Oiled Bird Rehabilitation course for volunteers in the Netherlands

  • June 12, 2009

In the event of an oil spill incident in the Netherlands, the care of oiled birds is delegated to the Oiled Bird Foundation Netherlands (SON) as part of the integrated oiled bird response plan. Comprised of the five coastal rehabilitation centres in the Netherlands, SON is incorporated in the Netherlands as a Foundation. Sea Alarm regularly attends SON’s bi-annual board meetings as an observer, the last of which was held 29 May at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Ostend.

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Meeting of the UK Environmental Group

  • May 30, 2009

Sea Alarm attended the UK National Standing Environment Group Chairs Meeting, which took place in London on 29 April. Organised annually by the Maritime and Coastal Agency (MCA), the purpose of the meeting is to inform Environmental Group Chairs and key individuals about eventual changes in the UK National Oil Spill Plan or related documents and procedures, and discuss recent developments, case histories and relevant current topics. This is the second time Sea Alarm has been invited to the meetings as an observer, taking the opportunity to report on relevant international developments in the field of oiled wildlife preparedness and response.

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Update on the RIOS Project

  • May 29, 2009

Sea Alarm has received clearance from the European Commission to publish the RIOS (Reducing the Impact of Oil Spills) Action Plan, which assimilates the conclusions and recommendations from the RIOS workshop held in April 2008. Sea Alarm plans to make…

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EMPOWER Steering Group Meeting

  • May 28, 2009

The first Steering Group meeting of the newly established EMPOWER Network was held in Brussels in May. The Steering Group’s role is to advise and assist Sea Alarm in setting up the EMPOWER Network and coordinate the various activities of the work programme. This initiative has been made possible thanks to a grant awarded to Sea Alarm by the European Commission.

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New Sea Alarm Brochure

  • May 26, 2009

Sea Alarm recently produced a brochure, which provides an overview of its objectives and main activities. Please contact us to order a printed copy.

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Sea Alarm at Interspill 09

  • May 20, 2009

Sea Alarm had a very productive and enjoyable week at the recent Interspill Conference and Exhibition in Marseille, France.

Sea Alarm booth’s benefitted from an exceptional position in the exhibition hall, just next to the entrance door. This offered Sea Alarm’s staff an unparalleled opportunity to meet and consult with a large number of representatives from European governmental agencies and the oil spill industry.  EMPOWER, Sea Alarm’s new initiative to professionalise the response of NGOs to marine wildlife emergencies, piqued the interest of many delegates, especially as EMPOWER was highlighted in the Interspill Catalogue

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New Sea Alarm Chairman

  • April 2, 2009

Sea Alarm is pleased to announce the appointment of Baron Leo Delwaide, as the new Chairman of the Sea Alarm Board of Directors. Baron Delwaide succeeds Mr Roelf de Boer, who in his three years as chairman was instrumental in forging strong alliances with the oil industry and in securing structural funding. Sea Alarm extends its sincere thanks to Mr. de Boer for his commitment and service.

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Call for Papers and Posters

  • April 2, 2009

The Call for Papers and Posters for the 10th International Effects of Oil on Wildlife (EOW) Conference is now open. Prospective authors are invited to submit a 200-300 word abstract for consideration by the 1st June 2009. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee and successful applicants will be asked to provide an extended abstract/paper prior to the Conference for inclusion in the Proceedings.

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Interspill 2009 Conference & Exhibition

  • April 2, 2009

The Interspill Conference and Exhibition is just around the corner.  Sea Alarm will be showcasing its work at exhibition stand no. 242 and will also be co-chairing a session with Dr Karen Purnell of the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF). We hope to see you there!

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