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Oiled Wildlife Management training in Ireland

  • November 25, 2015

Sascha training irelandIn October, Sea Alarm, in cooperation with the Oiled Wildlife Response Network (OWRN, Ireland), Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend (WRCO, Belgium) and ProBird (Germany), facilitated two one-day training courses focusing on the early stages of oiled wildlife response.

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EUROWA equipment inspection and exercise

  • November 25, 2015 exerciseIn October Sea Alarm and partner organisation Pro-Bird co-hosted a wildlife response equipment exercise in Hamburg, Germany to review an existing stockpile of equipment, practice mobilising it, and make recommendations for improvements.

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Sea Alarm assists international response to Flinterstar incident

  • November 25, 2015
X=response area in map of the weather affecting migration


In the wake of the sinking of the Flinterstar authorities in Belgium and the Netherlands activated plans to respond to any oiled wildlife. Sea Alarm assisted wildlife responders and authorities in both countries for several weeks following the incident.

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Claude Velter joins WRCO full time

  • July 9, 2015
Claude speaks at EOW
Photo credit:Aiuká. All rights reserved

Claude Velter, who has worked half time for Sea Alarm since 2012, has left his position as Senior Technical Advisor as of 1 May 2015 to take on an expanded role at the Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend (WRCO).

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The EUROWA project website is now live online

  • July 9, 2015

EUROWA landing page.Information regarding the European Oiled Wildlife Response Assistance Module (EUROWA) can now be found online., the key reference site for oiled wildlife response in Europe, is hosting the EUROWA pages which feature background information, news, publications, and details of events related to the project.

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Sign up for Sea Alarm’s oiled wildlife planning course in April

  • April 3, 2015

helcom logo

Sea Alarm is providing its  oiled wildlife planning course, free of charge, to European authorities who have responsibility for this issue in their country. Registration is still open for the course which will be held on 16-17 April  at the Commission’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) in Brussels.

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