Claude Velter joins WRCO full time

Claude Velter, who has worked half time for Sea Alarm since 2012, has left his position as Senior Technical Advisor as of 1 May 2015 to take on an expanded role at the Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend (WRCO).
Oiled wildlife response cooperation in the Netherlands progressing well
In March, the annual meeting between key wildlife response organisations and Rijkswaterstaat took place, bringing together responders and authorities who cooperate on implementing and updating the national plan for response to oiled birds (Samenwerkingsregeling Besmeurde Vogels or SBV).
EUROWA project: building Tier 3 oiled wildlife response capacity in Europe
The European Module for Oiled Wildlife Emergency Response Assistance (EUROWA) project, introduced late last year, got off to a strong start with a weeklong meeting hosted by the RSPCA, a project partner, at their Mallydams Wood Wildlife Centre.
European Oiled Wildlife Response Expert meeting and exercises in Germany
A very productive three-day meeting of representatives from leading European wildlife response organisations included review of the response management guidelines that Sea Alarm helped to produce. Experts from the UK, Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Spain, The Republic of Ireland, and the Netherlands attended the meeting, as well as observers from ITOPF and OSRL.
EUROWA project selected for funding by the European Commission
Sea Alarm recently was informed by the European Commission that the EUROWA proposal (European Module for Oiled Wildlife Emergency Response Assistance) has been selected for European funding.
Sea Alarm continues work with Dutch oiled wildlife responders
In October, Hugo Nijkamp attended and chaired the board meeting of Oiled Bird Rehabilitation Netherlands (Stichting Olievogelopvang Nederland-SON). Sea Alarm is advising and assisting SON in firming up its coordinating role in preparedness and response activities in the Netherlands.
Ninth European Oiled Wildlife Responders meeting held in the UK
Mallydams Wood, an RSPCA wildlife rehabilitation centre and nature reserve, hosted the ninth European Oiled Wildlife Responders meeting on17-19 March, 2014. Sea Alarm staff, along with representatives from the RSPCA, ProBird, Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) and Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend (WRCO), gathered to continue their work on the European Oiled Wildlife Response Manual.
OSRL Oiled Wildlife Response Planning course in Singapore
Sea Alarm staff, in cooperation with personnel from Massey University’s Wildbase, provided the newly developed Oil Spill Response (OSRL) training course on Wildlife Response Planning, designed to help agencies and individuals involved in oil spill response to prepare for wildlife needs during an incident.
European oiled wildlife response team meets in Ostend
The WRC Ostend hosted the last 2013 meeting of the European oiled wildlife response team from 19-21 November. At the meeting, the Joint European Protocol for Seabird Rehabilitation, which is in final preparation for printing, was reviewed in detail.
HELCOM 2013 agrees to develop wildlife plans by 2016
Exploring the need for NGO cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region
In anticipation of the decisions by the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, Sea Alarm has asked Agni Kaldma from Estonia to work on a project to identify the possibility of creating more and closer regional cooperation between leading NGOs in the Baltic countries.