Sea Alarm provides preparedness assistance in Ireland
States of Guernsey make progress in oiled wildlife response preparedness
Sea Alarm has been asked to assist the States of Guernsey in reviewing and updating their arrangements for oiled wildlife preparedness and response. As part of the process, an oiled wildlife preparedness training event and stakeholder meeting was held in mid-September in conjunction with an Oil Spill Response (OSRL) shoreline cleanup training course.
European Oiled Wildlife Responders meet in Hamburg
In March Wildtierstation Hamburg hosted the European Oiled Wildlife Responders’ meeting, which was attended by Sea Alarm, the RSPCA, ProBird and Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend. A highlight of the meeting was a tour of the new rehabilitation facility outside of Hamburg, which Wildtierstation Hamburg is in the process of refurbishing.
Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend-Sea Alarm sign MOU
As part of Sea Alarm’s ongoing efforts to enhance collaborative, professional oiled wildlife response, an MOU with Belgium’s Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend (WRCO) was signed in January. Sea Alarm and WRCO have a long history of working together on preparedness and active response since they first met in the aftermath of the Tricolor oil spill in 2002.
Oiled wildlife response meetings held in France
In March, Sea Alarm (Saskia Sessions, Claude Velter) visited two French wildlife rehabilitation centres, Alca Torda Wildlife Recovery Centre and the Wildlife Care Centre (Le Centre Vétérinaire de la Faune Sauvage et des Ecosystèmes (CVFSE)) at Nantes Atlantic College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering (ONIRIS) to discuss oiled wildlife response in France.
MoUs increase global wildlife response capacity
Sea Alarm signed important Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with two internationally recognised oiled wildlife preparedness and response groups, Focus Wildlife and the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB).
These cooperative agreements increase the effectiveness of all three organisations in preparing for, and responding to, oiled wildlife around the world.
A five year exercise programme in the Netherlands
Sea Alarm recently has started work on a five year contract with Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands, to assist with the coordination, development and management of an exercise programme on oiled wildlife response and preparedness in the Netherlands.
The oiled wildlife issue at the 2011 International Oil Spill Conference
International Wildlife Responders meeting
Wildlife response awareness event in Ireland
In early November 2011, Sea Alarm facilitated a one day volunteer awareness event in Limerick, Ireland, in cooperation with the Shannon Port Authority and the Irish Seal Sanctuary. The event aimed at providing background information to a group of 25 selected volunteers from the Shannon Estuary area who had expressed an interest in assisting with a future oiled wildlife incident.