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100 Country Wildlife Response Profiles and counting

  • May 11, 2017
Completed Country Wildife Response Profiles (in yellow)

Sea Alarm is very pleased to announce that it has completed and published its 100th Country Wildlife Response Profile. To responders and response planners, these Profiles are broadly respected and often a crucial source of information on each country’s apparent capacity to deal with an oiled wildlife incident.

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A new self-assessment tool for oiled wildlife response preparedness

  • October 31, 2016
self-assement-tool for oiled wildlife response
An example of a completed assessment, showing areas of strength and those needing improvement

How prepared are we for oiled wildlife response?

This is a question regularly considered by the HELCOM Response (Baltic Sea Area) Expert Working Group on Oiled Wildlife Response (EWR-OWR), chaired by Sea Alarm.

To help with making an accurate assessment of their level of preparedness, the Working Group decided to develop a self-assessment tool to aid countries in gauging and reporting on their progress toward preparedness for response to oiled wildlife.

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Sea Alarm at Interspill Conference and Exhibition 2015

  • March 10, 2015

Interspill 2015 conference in AmsterdamSea Alarm will be at  the Interspill Conference (Amsterdam 24-26 March 2015) presenting a paper that explores the wildlife response planning implications of the new EU Directive on Offshore Safety. This Directive was adopted in 2014 and includes some explicit references to oiled wildlife response preparedness which call to have “arrangements” in place in the so called “external response plans”.

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POSOW Oiled Wildlife Response Manual available online

  • May 3, 2013

Sea Alarm, in consultation with the Centre Vétérinaire de la Faune Sauvage et des Écosystèmes (CVFSE) and WWF Finland, has developed an Oiled Wildlife Response Manual for the Preparedness for Oil-polluted Shoreline cleanup and Oiled Wildlife Interventions (POSOW) project. POSOW, which will run for 2 years, is coordinated by the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) and co-funded by the European Commission.

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Oiled wildlife preparedness for Black Sea Countries

  • January 17, 2012

Sea Alarm has prepared guidelines for Black Sea Countries on oiled wildlife impact assessment. These guidelines were provided at the request of the Black Sea Commission Permanent Secretariat in the framework of the EU-funded MONINFO project.

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Newly published: Lists of Spanish and Portuguese IBAs for seabirds

  • March 11, 2010

A list and description of Important Areas for the Conservation of Seabirds (marine IBAs) in Spain has been recently published by SEO/BirdLife (Spanish Ornithological Society) as an important delivery of an EU LIFE Project that started in 2004. The Spanish initiative ran in parallel with a sister LIFE Project in Portugal, carried out by the local BirdLife partner SPEA (Portuguese Society for the Protection of Birds), which also culminated in the publication of a marine IBA inventory.

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Training manual underpins rehabilitation of oiled birds in the Netherlands

  • November 27, 2009


In the Netherlands an important new step has been taken to increase the national preparedness to oiled wildlife incident. The Dutch authority for oil spill preparedness and response, Rijkswaterstaat, has provided a budget to the national oiled bird rehabilitation network SON to develop a manual that can be used to train groups of volunteers that can be called on in case of a larger oiled wildlife incident.

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