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Sea Alarm’s observer status at the IOPC Funds continues

  • July 5, 2022

The IOPC Funds approved the continuation of Sea Alarm’s observer status at the March 2022 meetings of the governing bodies. The International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds) provide financial compensation for oil pollution damage that occurs in Member States…

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Another active year for HELCOM oiled wildlife response initiatives

  • December 21, 2020

HELCOM maintains its position as the most advanced Regional Agreement in Europe when it comes to oiled wildlife preparedness and response policy. This year, Expert Working Group Meetings have continued, an online seminar on cross border cooperation in wildlife incidents was held and a number of important proposals have been discussed and adopted by HELCOM Response.

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Three-day Baltic Oiled Wildlife Event

  • December 21, 2017
Attendees at HELCOM wildlife event

In October 2017, the HELCOM Expert Working Group on Oiled Wildlife Response organized a three-day event which included a working group meeting, wildlife response manager training and a stakeholder exchange of current activities and good practices.

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A new self-assessment tool for oiled wildlife response preparedness

  • October 31, 2016
self-assement-tool for oiled wildlife response
An example of a completed assessment, showing areas of strength and those needing improvement

How prepared are we for oiled wildlife response?

This is a question regularly considered by the HELCOM Response (Baltic Sea Area) Expert Working Group on Oiled Wildlife Response (EWR-OWR), chaired by Sea Alarm.

To help with making an accurate assessment of their level of preparedness, the Working Group decided to develop a self-assessment tool to aid countries in gauging and reporting on their progress toward preparedness for response to oiled wildlife.

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