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Improving and updating our Country Oiled Wildlife Response Profiles

  • December 21, 2020

In 2020, as part of our ongoing work to provide information on oiled wildlife response preparedness in all the coastal countries of the world, we updated 11 Country Wildlife Response Profiles (Mozambique, China, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Vietnam, Panama, Singapore, Romania, Spain and the USA) and created new profiles for Lebanon, our 107th, and Malta, our 108th.

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POSOW Oiled Wildlife Response Manual available online

  • May 3, 2013

Sea Alarm, in consultation with the Centre Vétérinaire de la Faune Sauvage et des Écosystèmes (CVFSE) and WWF Finland, has developed an Oiled Wildlife Response Manual for the Preparedness for Oil-polluted Shoreline cleanup and Oiled Wildlife Interventions (POSOW) project. POSOW, which will run for 2 years, is coordinated by the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) and co-funded by the European Commission.

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Launch of the POSOW website

  • May 29, 2012

REMPEC and its Partners, namely the Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (CEDRE), the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Sea Alarm Foundation, and the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR) are pleased to announce the launch of the new POSOW website.

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REMPEC and Sea Alarm MoU signed

  • June 29, 2011

Sea Alarm has entered a new phase of cooperation with Mediterranean coastal states via an MoU with the Regional Emergency Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC). The MoU was signed on 4th May 2011 during the 10th REMPEC Focal Points meeting.

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Meeting of Focal Points for Specially Protected Areas in the Mediterranean

  • June 15, 2009

In order to develop a better understanding of current nature conservation and protection issues in the Mediterranean, Sea Alarm’s Roser Gasol attended the Ninth Meeting of Focal Points for Specially Protected Areas (SPAs) in Malta on the 3-6 June 2009. This biennial meeting is organised by the Tunisian-based Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), whose primary role is to assist the Contracting Parties in the implementation of the Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity within the framework of the Barcelona Convention.

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