Training in Arctic Russia
Sea Alarm was invited by the Russian branch of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to assist with a unique project that aims to protect the Arctic environment against the effects of oil pollution.
Sea Alarm was invited by the Russian branch of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to assist with a unique project that aims to protect the Arctic environment against the effects of oil pollution.
Sea Alarm is providing its oiled wildlife planning course, free of charge, to European authorities who have responsibility for this issue in their country. Registration is still open for the course which will be held on 16-17 April at the Commission’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) in Brussels.
The Claims Management Team of IOPC Funds invited Sea Alarm to give a two-day tailored Oiled Wildlife Preparedness and Planning course in early December. Hugo Nijkamp, Saskia Sessions and Claude Velter presented the course, the highlight of which was an integrated table top exercise, where aspects of planning and response efficiency could be practiced.
Oil Spill Response (OSRL) is offering its Oiled Wildlife Response Planning course, developed in collaboration with Sea Alarm and other international oiled wildlife professionals, twice in 2015. The course will be given in Singapore in February and again in November in Belgium.
Sea Alarm was asked to present and train on a response procedure created in 2013 to representatives of SEA-PT, the Irish Coast Guard, and interested NGOs during a dedicated full day workshop held in Limerick on 16 May, 2014.
In May, Tim Thomas gave an invited one day course on Oiled Wildlife Preparedness and Response for the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) at their Marmara Research Centre in Gebze. The special wildlife day session was part of TÜBITAK’s ‘Maritime Accidents-Hazardous Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated Areas and Wildlife Rehabilitation’ workshop.