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A new Integrated Wildlife Response Plan for Montenegro

  • November 10, 2022

Sea Alarm successfully completed its project with the Montenegrin authorities to develop a national oiled wildlife response plan. Over the last year and a half, Sea Alarm has been working hard alongside the Montenegrin authorities to prepare a new Integrated…

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EUROWA-2 project news

  • July 11, 2022

The EUROWA-2 project is in full swing, with a number of important technical developments and activities taking place, or progressing in the last few months. Sea Alarm has been coordinator and secretariat of the EUROWA network since its creation in…

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Another active year for HELCOM oiled wildlife response initiatives

  • December 21, 2020

HELCOM maintains its position as the most advanced Regional Agreement in Europe when it comes to oiled wildlife preparedness and response policy. This year, Expert Working Group Meetings have continued, an online seminar on cross border cooperation in wildlife incidents was held and a number of important proposals have been discussed and adopted by HELCOM Response.

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