Claude Velter joins WRCO full time

Claude Velter, who has worked half time for Sea Alarm since 2012, has left his position as Senior Technical Advisor as of 1 May 2015 to take on an expanded role at the Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend (WRCO).
The WRCO, where Claude worked the other 50% of his time over the last three years, is going through an important phase of growth, which includes a partnership with the University of Ghent that is initiating a number of scientific projects, and several international activities, including the EUROWA project.
These changes require Claude’s full attention at the steering wheel of the centre, which is increasingly establishing itself as one of the leading professional wildlife rescue centres in Europe.
Because there are so many activities and projects that we will continue to work on together, the administrative change of Claude leaving does not feel like a goodbye at all. We look forward to our continued cooperative activities with Claude and are happy to see the WRCO going so strong.