Cooperation between Sea Alarm and REMPEC continues
Sea Alarm is pleased to announce that it has recently renewed its MoU with REMPEC, formalising plans to continue their collaboration for a further two years.
The MoU, which was first signed in 2011, provides a framework for Sea Alarm to cooperate with Mediterranean coastal states, under the coordination of the Regional Emergency Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC). Under the agreement Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea are allowed to request assistance from Sea Alarm in the event of an oiled wildlife emergency, and Sea Alarm is able become part of the REMPEC Mediterranean Assistance Unit.
In addition, the updated MoU, signed during the 2018 Interspill conference in London, allows for Sea Alarm to assist Contracting Parties with their wildlife response training and planning activities. Sea Alarm looks forward to continuing to support REMPEC and Mediterranean Coastal States in their efforts to improve oiled wildlife preparedness in the region.