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Cooperation with the European Community Shipowners Association

Sea Alarm was invited to make a presentation at a recent meeting of the European Community Shipowners Association (Safety and Environment Committee) in Brussels.This was an opportunity to outline some potential areas of collaboration between Sea Alarm and ECSA Members, with a view to the European shipping industry becoming better educated about wildlife response, and potentially to get involved in wildlife response initiatives which could promote shipowners’ efforts to maintain a clean and healthy marine environment. ECSA is an international association made up of national shipowner associations in each EU Member State which works to promote and represent European shipping interests though specialised committees. During the meeting Hugo Nijkamp made a presentation explaining the role and activities of Sea Alarm and drawing on the importance of the shipowner and P&I clubs during oiled wildlife incidents. The ECSA Committee appreciated the introduction and requested its members to consider the proposals to be revisited at the next meeting. Sea Alarm is grateful to the ECSA Secretariat for arranging for Sea Alarm to attend this meeting and for the chance to present its activities to the Committee Members.

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