Daniela Barreras Biesot seconded to Sea Alarm
Sea Alarm is pleased to announce that OSRL’s Daniela Barreras Biesot will be working from our office. In addition to her OSRL work, Daniela has been seconded to us two days a week during Saskia’s maternity leave.
Daniela lives in Brussels and is part of the Training and Consulting team at Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL), having previously worked in the Operations Department. Since 2014 she has been a core OSRL Wildlife team member, developing a wildlife response equipment improvement proposal, supervising and commissioning equipment, and serving as Project Manager for the company’s 2019 Equipment improvement project. She has provided support to both the GOWRS and EUROWA projects on equipment issues and regularly attends Sea Alarm Foundation steering group meetings.
Sea Alarm is excited have someone with Daniela’s knowledge of oiled wildlife response preparedness, and the role Sea Alarm plays, to step in during Saskia’s leave. Please welcome her to our team.