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Developments in Ireland

After a long period of quiet, the issue of oiled wildlife response planning became active again in Ireland. This followed on from a letter by the Irish Coast Guard to all 20 coastal Counties with a request to send in their shoreline response plan. Already a few years ago the Coast Guard had requested the Counties to develop such a plan according to a standard format. In that format there was also a paragraph on integrated oiled wildlife response planning.

The reminder has triggered some Counties to have a closer look at the pre-spill requirements that are needed to incorporate an oiled wildlife response activity as part of their shoreline response. A few of them approached the Irish Seal Sanctuary for advice. The Sanctuary, which is coordinating the joint efforts of a wide range of Irish NGO’s who are interested in contributing to a wildlife response, is now working with these Counties to look at planning, equipment and training. Sea Alarm is supporting the Sanctuary in their efforts.

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