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EMPOWER Network created


In November 2008, Sea Alarm, together with eight partner organisations, founded the EMPOWER (European Management Programme for Oiled Wildlife and other marine Emergency Responses) Network. Represented by Sea Alarm, the EMPOWER Network, develops and supports the implementation of policies and activities that promote a professional preparedness to marine wildlife emergency response in all coastal European countries.

The Founding Members of the EMPOWER Network represent the broad range of interests present in the Sea Alarm Network, including wildlife rehabilitation, environment, shipping and policy. The Founding Members of the EMPOWER Network are:

  • Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF); Estonia
  • Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA); Greece
  • Legambiente; Italy
  • Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ); the Netherlands
  • Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA); UK
  • Sea Alarm Foundation; Belgium
  • Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre Lenie ‘t Hart; the Netherlands
  • Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Ostend; Belgium
  • Zoomarine; Portugal

The benefits of being a member of the EMPOWER Network are great. By uniting NGOs, the scientific community, and the oil and maritime industries together under one umbrella organisation, members collectively have a much stronger voice. Secondly, members can draw on each other’s expertise with the common aim of increasing professionalism and developing best practices. Finally, the Network facilitates the exchange of information and the latest advances, creating a pool of knowledge and expertise.

Application for membership will be open to all interested organisations from 2009. For more information, please visit the EMPOWER Network section of this website.

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