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EnSaCo seminar and workshop

From 14-17 September an international seminar and workshop were held in Estonia as part of the ENSACO project. This project focuses on the cooperation between Estonia, Finland and Sweden in the areas of shoreline cleanup and wildlife response. Sea Alarm was invited to the event and assisted with the international seminar and a volunteer training on oiled wildlife response.

Hugo Nijkamp chaired the two day seminar in Tallinn (14-15 September) which was attended by over 70 representatives from shoreline and wildlife response authorities from the three Baltic countries. The two day programme included a variety of presentations and a table top exercise. Apart from chairing the seminar, Hugo also delivered a lecture on international response preparedness and the table top exercise which simulated a major oil spill in Estonian waters and the aspects of assessing the need for international assistance.
Saskia Sessions attended the field workshop in Haapsalu (15 September) where Estonian shoreline cleanup equipment was demonstrated. She delivered a presentation on ecological prioritising and the effects of oil on wildlife, during a volunteer training on 17 September.

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