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HELCOM Developments

HELCOM RESPONSE is moving swiftly forward to integrate oiled wildlife response in its activities. Sea Alarm and WWF-Finland have been an integral part of the process.

At the request of the Contracting Parties, an inventory was made of the current state of oiled wildlife preparedness and response of the national states. To this end, Estonia with the help of Sea Alarm and WWF-Finland, prepared a questionnaire which was completed by all but one of the Contracting Parties.

Sea Alarm presented the results of the questionnaire at the most recent HELCOM RESPONSE meeting held in Germany on 29-31 October. Sea Alarm and WWF-Finland jointly reported on the regional workshop they organised in March 2008.

Following these presentations, a discussion on wildlife response ensued. It was decided that oiled wildlife response should become an integrated element in HELCOM RESPONSE’s working programme. Estonia will write a proposal, which will be submitted to the 11th meeting in September 2009. Sea Alarm and WWF-Finland will assist Estonia in this work.

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