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Interspill 2009

The next Interspill Conference will be held in Marseille, France on 12-14 May 2009. Sea Alarm is pleased to announce that it will co-chair the session on Environmental Impacts and Restoration. It will also host an exhibition booth where it will provide information on its activities and those of other wildlife response organisations.“Working Together” is the theme for Interspill 2009, which will highlight how much has been achieved so far, and what can be done in the future. As stated on the Interspill website, “there is a need for everyone to Work Together in preventing, preparing for, and responding to oil spills. Interspill 2009 is an international forum in Europe specifically designed to discuss those goals. International regulators, oil industry operators and the spill response industry will convene in a world class conference and exhibition to discuss the risks, past and current, and the latest thinking in dealing with the issues.”

As part of a triennial series of events, Interspill conferences are held in Europe every three years, alternating with Spillcon conferences in Australia and the International Oil Spill Conference in the United States. For more information, please visit the .

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