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Meet the Sea Alarm team

The Sea Alarm teamSea Alarm been growing over the last few years, both as a presence in the oiled wildlife response world and as an organisation. Learn more about the people who make up the Sea Alarm team.

Led by Hugo Nijkamp, General Manager, the team includes Saskia Sessions, Senior Technical Advisor, who has been with Sea Alarm since 2009, Claude Velter, Senior Technical Advisor, who joined in 2012 and Paul Kelway, Global Preparedness Coordinator, who joined in 2013.  Part-time secretary Joy is assisting with administrative work.

Closely associated with Sea Alarm’s staff are experts who structurally assist Sea Alarm.

Agni Kaldma was introduced in this article on Baltic Regional activities.

Tim Thomas, a former RSPCA staff member with many years of oil spill response experience, has been consulting for Sea Alarm on training and preparedness issues since 2011, having previously served on the Sea Alarm Board.

Dawn Smith, a freelance writer/editor with a background in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, has worked on writing and editing projects for Sea Alarm since 2008, but took on a more consistent consulting role in 2012.  She writes the quarterly newsletters and keeps our websites informative and up-to-date, working closely with Roxana Torre, our web-designer.

Visit our staff page for more detailed biographies on all team members.


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