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Mystery Spill in Germany

In early February 2008, the Federal State of Schleswig Holstein, was confronted with a mystery spill. This incident came too early for the local authorities who had not yet finalised their oiled wildlife response plan.

Over the course of several days, hundreds of oiled animals were picked up from the shores around the island of Föhr. Sea Alarm supported the German wildlife responders in their coordinated efforts to deal with the situation. Most of the rescued animals were transported to the Fûgelpits in the Netherlands where they were treated. Of the 250 animals that were transported, 215 were released.

Sea Alarm arranged for the mobilisation of several Belgian wildlife rehabilitators to assist in the response effort. Sophie van Roose and two volunteers from the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Ostend, Belgium traveled to Föhr to assist with the stabilization of the oiled birds. Later Sophie traveled to Kappeln where she, together with her colleague Claude Velter, assisted the rehabilitation centre with the treatment and washing of birds. Nearly 40 of the 60 birds that were treated were released.

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