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Oiled wildlife response cooperation in the Netherlands progressing well

SON logo In March, the annual meeting between key wildlife response organisations and Rijkswaterstaat took place, bringing together responders and authorities who cooperate on implementing and updating the national plan for response to oiled birds (Samenwerkingsregeling Besmeurde Vogels or SBV).

Held this year in Rotterdam at the wildlife rehabilitation centre Karel Schot, the meeting focused on reviewing activities completed in 2014 and preparation for the actions planned in 2015.

One of the 2015 activities will be an exercise, to be held in the northern Netherlands, based on an oil spill scenario impacting the north side of Wadden Island. The wildlife rehabilitation centre The Fûgelpits will serve as the temporary hub for oiled bird response during this drill.

After the SBV meeting the national network for oiled birds (Stichting Olievogels Nederland or SON) Board held its meeting. Sea Alarm continues to work closely with SON as it develops its capacity to for oiled wildlife response throughout the country and assists in the development of the organisation into a true national platform for professional oiled wildlife response.

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