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Oiled wildlife preparedness workshop held in Aberdeen

Oiled wildlife response exercise in UKIn October Sea Alarm and Oil Spill Response (OSRL) organised and facilitated an Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) sponsored daylong workshop on UK oiled wildlife preparedness.

Forty attendees from industry, government and relevant NGOs spent the day reviewing what is presently in place for oiled wildlife response in the UK and determining next steps for improving the integration of oiled wildlife response into overall spill response.

The workshop was organised following an OSRL Open Day in Aberdeen, where attendees expressed an interest in learning more about what is involved in oiled wildlife response. After a series of presentations to outline the present situation, the group worked through a table top exercise on current notification, activation and response systems involving an offshore oil spill to assess capacity and develop recommendations for improvement to those systems.

A follow-up meeting is planned to continue moving the process forward.

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