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Oiled wildlife response meetings held in France

In March, Sea Alarm (Saskia Sessions, Claude Velter) visited two French wildlife rehabilitation centres, Alca Torda Wildlife Recovery Centre and the Wildlife Care Centre (Le Centre Vétérinaire de la Faune Sauvage et des Ecosystèmes (CVFSE)) at Nantes Atlantic College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering (ONIRIS)  to discuss oiled wildlife response in France.

They learned more about the current French oiled wildlife response and preparedness situation and discussed the potential for these facilities to be involved in Sea Alarm’s activities to advance oiled wildlife response in the region and in Europe. Sea Alarm is also collaborating with CVFSE on the POSOW project.

Alca Torda Wildlife Recovery Centre, located near Bordeaux, was founded in the wake of the Erika and Prestige oil spills. In addition to oil spill response, Alca Torda cares for other wild animals affected by human activities.

Le Centre Vétérinaire de la Faune Sauvage et des Ecosystèmes (CVFSE) at Nantes Atlantic College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering (ONIRIS) was created in 1985 by veterinary students interested in wildlife medicine.  CVFSE also responded during the Erika and Prestige oil spills.

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