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Still time to sign up for October Oiled Wildlife Response Planning course in Belgium

There are still places available at a two-day Oil Spill Response (OSRL) course which will introduce participants to the issues specific to responding to wildlife during a spill. The course  will be held in Ostend, Belgium on 9-10 October 2014.

This two-day course designed by Sea Alarm, in collaboration with OSRL and the Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend, provides key insights in the principles of wildlife response, integrated management and wildlife response planning. Case histories and scenarios will be presented and explained, providing attendees with a better understanding of the key issues and methodologies which can be applied in wildlife response planning and preparedness.

Experiences with wildlife planning and response in different areas of the world will be shared,with this session emphasising European, African and the Middle Eastern issues. The respective roles of oil industry, governments and NGOs will be highlighted.

In addition to the lectures described above, interactive sessions, a table-top exercise and a visit to the state of the art wildlife rehabilitation facility in Ostend are included. The Ostend facility, which was designed to accommodate oiled birds from incidents of different scales, illustrates options for smart design, flow of animals and people, the various stages of rehabilitation, and other facility departments.

This course would benefit anyone involved in emergency planning and oil spill response, and is tailored towards industry or government representatives who are responsible for oil spill response planning in their company or country. It will be held in Ostend, Belgium on 9-10 October 2014 and is now open for registration.

For more information on the Oiled Wildlife Response Planning course, and to register (before August 15), please visit the OSRL Training Website.

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