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Oiled wildlife response planning course offered by Oil Spill Response

Oil Spill Response (OSRL) is offering a new course, developed in conjunction with Sea Alarm and other leading oiled wildlife response experts, designed to introduce personnel and/or agencies which may be involved in planning for, or responding to, an oil spill involving wildlife.

The course will be offered twice in 2014, once in Singapore, where staff from Massey University’s Wildbase will assist in the training and once in Belgium, where attendees will visit the Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend (WRCO), a state of the art wildlife rehabilitation facility designed to convert rapidly to an oiled wildlife response centre in the event of a spill.

Participants will be introduced to key concepts involved in mounting an effective oiled wildlife response including the importance of dedicated wildlife response plans, ethical and animal welfare considerations during a response and methods for effectively supporting professional wildlife responders logistically.

The Singapore course will be held 24-25 February with the Belgian course planned for 9-10 October 2014. Client-tailored courses can also be arranged on request. For more information or to enroll visit the OSRL training website.

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